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Struggling with Motivation coming up to Christmas? Here are our top 5 tips!

This time of year is usually the most hectic period for most of us as Christmas approaches and we are frantically buying last minute presents and trying to wrap things up at work for the Christmas break. Exercise and your workouts can fall to the side during this busy time and you may feel like you don’t have a spare second for some much needed self-care. 

Here are our top 5 tips to help you keep moving during the busy period:

1. Try shorter workouts

Even a 15 minute workout can make all the difference! Whatever you can fit into your schedule will make all the difference. 

2. Create a realistic schedule 

For a lot of us queens, it’s simply not possible to give the dedication we give at other times of the year because this is a busy time! That’s ok! We may not get 4-5 workouts in a week but even 1 or 2 can have a positive effect both mentally and physically.

3. Make it Social

Christmas is such a social period where we want to slow down and reconnect with friends and family! So why not invite a friend for a coffee and a walk. 

4. Focus on steps

You may not have time to do a workout, but running around buying presents and cooking, you’ll have your 10k daily steps clocked up before you know it! 

5. You don’t have to workout around Christmas 

If you decide to take some time to rest and recharge before we go into a new year that’s ok! You deserve to do what’s right for you! Don't feel the pressure to spread yourself too thin and be worried about fitting in workouts - you have the whole of 2024 to workout. 

So take this time to relax and enjoy the holiday period. But try to get in some activity wherever possible, this will make getting back into it in the new year so much easier.

