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New Queens 👑 - How r u doing? | MaeveMadden

New Queens 👑 - How r u doing?

  • Hiya to all the new Queens 👑. Just wanted to catch up with you to see how ur 1st week went for u. We've chatted to some of u already & loved meeting u. So for those of u we've yet to meet don't be shy, jump on the forum & say Hi. It is a safe space & everyone is amazing. Fantastic support. Queens supporting Queens. 

    If there is anything the rest of the OG Queens can help with let us know. Make sure to ask Maeve about any exercise, fitness, injury, health questions or advice u may have or need as she is the expert here but if we can help u with anything else we will.

    So glad to have u all on board. I know that u r going to love it. Make sure to enjoy urself and have the most amazing journey. Good luck with QDQ Spring Challenge I have every faith u all will knock it out of the park 👑👑👑❤️❤️❤️

  • @Audrey Browne love this space! 🥰 More energy than ever since starting Monday I will probably never buy a gym membership again this is a God send 🤗🙌


  • @Audrey Browne I'm sore, very sore 😂 really enjoying it though. I can't make a lot of the live workouts with work but I do them later in the day. Not 100% sure how that makes them count towards the challenge though. 

    love the forum and how welcoming all the queens are. Where do I send my before pictures too?

    lovely meeting you Audrey 🙂

  • Hi Audrey! I have really enjoyed my first week. Loving the support and friendliness of all the queens 👑

    Was definetly sore after the workouts and felt the spice 🌶️🌶️ Decided to give them all a go this week to see which I liked as I felt able to and I loved all of them so far 💕

    Really looking forward to getting stronger and fitter over the next few weeks 💪👑

    I'm feeling a little technically challenged, how do I tag someone when REPLYING? 😂


  • @Audrey Browne you are so right! this is definitely a safe space and full of so many kind queens! 

    I've loved this week, getting in from work and doing the work outs hasn't felt like a chore and I've actually looked forward to them! I woke up this morning with no motivation but after a little look on the forums I was full of positivity and ready to start perky peach 🍑 

    But ouuh im feeling it today! Sat having a coffee and my legs are shaking haha! 

  • @Aisling O'Shea just click the reply button under the comment of the person you want to tag 😊


  • @Rebecca Robinson Thanks! So simple 😂

  • @Aisling O'Shea haha! simple but it took me a while to figure it out 🙈 I should have just asked like you 😅

  • @Emma Mohan Heya Queen so nice to meet u too. Great to have u on board doll. Yes if u catch up on the current weeks workout from the library they counts. U can post u pics on here doll if u wld like or u can create a new topic on the PROGRESS SECTION. Completely up to u. And do know that there is no pressure to put up pics that is completely up to u Emma. Enjoy ur journey Queen u're going to have a blast 👑👑👑❤️❤️❤️

  • @Leonie Mcnulty Heya Queen that's fantastic. I'm always buzzing after QDQ workouts. What about all the money we're saving on gym membership. No runners me thinks 🤣. And do u know what I love. U don't have to book a class, u don't have to hear "Aw sorry class is full " No no there's always room in Queensdontquit. Enjoy Leonie looking forward to working out with u 👑👑👑❤️❤️❤️

  • @Audrey Browne I cannot believe I'm looking forward to workouts? This is not me, usually 😂 haha that is soooo true! Will see ye over the weekend for the lives haven't made any yet so I'll look forward to it 🤗🤗

  • @Aisling O'Shea I love the soreness it shows that it's working. Lol I did the same when I first started I thought "oh I'll do them all & then pick" Eh that didn't happen still doing them all 🤣🤣🤣. U will b fitter & stronger in no time. U will b blown away it will creep up on u & ull b there one day thinking "I'm not out of breath as much" & so on. So glad u're enjoying. Keep working hard Queen. I see that Rebecca has sorted ur tech prob 👌👌. Any other questions just holler Queen 👑 👑 👑 ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ 

  • @Leonie Mcnulty yes Queen 2moro morning even though its 30mins its bril. C u then doll. 👑👑👑❤️❤️❤️

  • @Rebecca Robinson yeesssss Queen u're feeling the spice. I love it. Don't give up, I wld usually go for a walk & make sure to get a workout in the following day as it does help the recovery. But well done u for getting straight into it after work I take my hat off to u Rebecca. U r an inspiration Queen. So happy u're loving it. Have an excellent journey & enjoy the challenge u're going to kill it. 👑 👑 👑 ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ 

  • @Leonie Mcnulty @Emma Mohan @Rebecca Robinson @Aisling O'Shea Great catch up Queens.  U've rocked Week 1, blown it out of the water. I want to wish u an amazing Week 2. Keep at it girls Stay strong 💪. U're in it to win it. Queens supporting Queens 👑👑 👑 ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ 

  • Hi queens. I'm Cora. Just signed up this week and I'm loving it so far. I've done 4 classes and defo feeling it now. Loving the group so far. I always hated in a gym that I felt alone and had no support. I haven't had that feeling once this week. I love the support of the chat and forum and I don't feel like I'm doing this alone. Looking forward to the next few weeks and smashing the challenge 😃. 

  • @Audrey Browne I am loving it! This is such a great site that Maeve has created and I'm am amazed by how much I am enjoying the workouts. 

    I set myself a goal of 3 workouts a week and signed up to the challenge so that there was a bit of motivation as I thought I would struggle. 
    Turns out I go to bed looking forward to waking up and sound a work out!
    So far I've done one each day and feel so much better for doing them  💪🏻🙌🏼 Wish I'd signed up sooner! 😂 

  • @Audrey Browne I am 100% feeling the spice 🌶 i will definitely go for a walk and join in tomorrow morning 😊 haha thanks ☺ its lovely to have all the support and makes it so much easier! Bring on week 2! We've got this queens! 👑💪🏻


  • Hello all! I'm new on the site as of today but have been following Maeve and her insta workouts for quite some time! So happy to finally be here! 

  • @Audrey Browne  Hi Audrey, thanks so much, what a lovely welcome! I did lots of Maeve's workouts on IG during the summer for the first lockdown and absolutely loved them. I'm so happy to be an official #TeamQueen member now! I've absolutely loved the first week of the Spring Challenge 💪🏻 It's been so much fun and the week has absolutely flown by🎊🤗 

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