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New Queens 👑 - How r u doing? | MaeveMadden

New Queens 👑 - How r u doing?

  • @Sandy Cully hiya & welcome Queen. U poor thing, I'm sorry to hear that. Make sure to listen to ur body u don't want to overdo it. Get well soon & once u're back on ur feet again I know ull be kicking ass. Any questions u might have shout away. Mind urself Sandy 👑👑👑❤️❤️❤️

  • Hey queens I was just driving back from supermarket and Joel Corry and MNEK head and heart comes on the radio! I found myself walking through one of Queen routines 😂 has anyone else found themselves doing this so much fun 😊👑 it's also inspired me to do another workout today! I'm addicted! Hope your all doing ok queens. Queens don't quit has literally made my lockdown 🙌🏻

  • @Audrey Browne hard to believe we are almost at the end of week 2 already😍

    Hope everyone has had a good week so far? 


  • @Emily Stephenson 😂😂😂😂 Queen with u there. Its happened a few times. Try standing in the supermarket queue with ear buds in & "Hero" is playing & then it comes to the main part. U know the 123 part, well I will admit that I did shout out 123 but thank god I didn't jump into the routine side of it because the stares I got on the 123 were enough to stop me. 😂😂😂😂😂 Oh u should have seen their faces. 😂😂😂😂 Well their eyes at least as we were all masked up 😷😷thank god 😂😂😂😂

  • @Vicky Baker I know Queen I'm shocked 😲. I hope u're having a good one doll 👑👑👑❤️❤️❤️

  • @Audrey Browne this is week 2 for me and still going strong and motivated- tired but motivated- the live classes at 6 are great as I'm just in from work and no time to get comfy on the couch- just get straight into it!! 
    love how everyone is so supportive - it all has changed what workouts are for me!! My only issue is my knees so I try to adapt the workouts around them/ I'm hoping as the weeks go by- they may strengthen and cause less issues- all advice and tips on workout out with bad knees welcome 😊🦵🏽🦵🏽


  • Hi Queens, first time comment!! 😁 How are you all? How are you finding the second week? 🥰

  • @Audrey Browne 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  • @AnneMarie Elliot yesssss Queen. Motivation is everything it makes the workout so much more fun for me. I can sympathise with the sore knees Anne-Marie. Just make sure that if u r doing any jumping exercises like jumping squats that u land on ur toes 1st then ur heels this helps with the impact on ur knees & hips. Also when doing regular squats make sure u knees r behind ur toes when ur in the downward motion. So when u r in ur low squat u shld b able to see ur toes if u don't stick ur butt back more. U prob know all this already anyway Queen but I feel we have to keep reminding ourselves. Have a great weekend doll & have an amazing Week 3.👑👑👑❤️❤️❤️

  • Heya Queens, Nearing the end of Week 2. Hope u had a good one. Just checking in to see how u found it. Did u reach ur goals, were u happy with ur workouts. Was there anything u struggled with,??? Let us know ur highs & lows. Queens supporting Queens. We r all in it together 👑👑👑❤️❤️❤️

  • Hey @Audrey Browne! You are soo lovely! Before i joined here, I heard @Maeve Madden mention you on Insta-lives and i was wondering who you were. You need your own title :D Queen Motivator our Fairy Queen Godmother or something? 😃.

    I completed 9 workouts this week so far, never thought I would do so many, but i kinda don't want to miss out now. The social part is an unintended plus of this program for me. Love seeing all the chats. Definitely helping me mentally, the routine and scheduled part of it too. 

    Overall feeling very good, tempted to get a bottle of Prosexy for this evening to celebrate the wins. Also there was some Queen on heres birthday today (Michelle?) so i mean.. its only polite to toast her 😃


    Thanks for checking in on us @Audrey Browne ❤️

  • Thanks @Audrey Browne for checking in with everyone! I did a workout every day which I'm happy with but I cannot stop eating ughhhh. I am trying to cut back with also being kind to myself but it still is just week 2. For week 3 I am going to make concrete goals around my snacking. Then week 4 I'll look at portion control and hopefully by week 5 my body will have adjusted to normal life again. Slowly but surely queens!

  • @Roisin Leo Omg im the same. Im always starving and on the hunt around the place. I am going to steal your ideas and try the same.  

  • @Jenifer Dagn I think I'm actually taking in more calories since doing the workouts even with the burn but hoping I'm gaining muscle 😂 we'll get there soon though gal x

  • Feeling so fab and a bit stronger after the first two weeks Audrey! Thank you for a lovely welcome, it's so nice to have a space to come on and chat after the workouts xx

  • @Jenifer Dagn 😂😂😂😂 u're a scream queen but Thank u I love the idea of being someones Fairy Queens Godmother. And well done u for toasting Michelle's birthday, now thats queening for u 👑🤗🤗🤗. Oooh Queen same as me 9 workouts to date. Now that's what I call One tough Queen. U're knocking it out of the park Jenifer, ure killing it. I love it. I'm like u doll I do all the classes so hard to choose from the huge variety plus I love the chats. Although I'm not fast enough now to keep up with the chats as they're flying up the screen & I'm like "feck who said that or who's birthday was it". I seriously need to speed up my typing skills 🙄🙄🙄Well done u on an amazing Week 2. I wish u an absolute fabulous Week 3. Have a great weekend Jenifer 👑👑👑❤️❤️❤️

  • @Roisin Leo oooh another Queen knocking it out of the park. Well done Roisin so so pleased for u. I'm in the same boat as u this week. Struggling with my food & snacks. I found myself snacking more than I was eating my meals, leading to me being extremely restless, lethargic & unmotivated in myself. So I'm on the same bandwagon as u now sorting it all out & getting back on track. Well done u for mapping it all out. So congrats Queen on a great week snacking aside, u still killed it. Remember how the saying goes "Slowly slowly catchy monkey". Have a great weekend & I wish u a fantastic Week 3 Roisin 👑👑👑❤️❤️❤️ 

  • @Meadhbh Anderson excellent Queen, love that u're feeling stronger already. Its an amazing feeling & achievement. So glad that u're enjoying the forum. It's a brilliant community isn't it. Such a lovely group of queens. Glad u had a good Week 2 doll, wishing u a fantastic Week 3 Queen. Have a great weekend Meadhbh 👑👑👑❤️❤️❤️

  • @Audrey Browne week two completed! I injured my knee last Saturday. I had to get meds and was told to keep off it by my doctor.

    Got last week's and this week's Abs Attacks and upper body sweaty 7s 🌶️🔥 delighted I got through them, just had to lower the impact to not strain the knee. They were still spicy and I felt the burn 🌶️🔥 Delighted I did as at the start of the week I didn't think I would. I am absolutely buzzing to have week two complete ❤️💖

    Hopefully I'll get cleared on Monday to come back full throttle.

    Hope you had a good week too! 💪👑

  • @Carol Burns awww no Queen, ah I'm gutted for u. Nothing worse than leg injuries, or any injury but I always think anything injury  connected to ur leg is more restricted. How did u hurt ur knee Carol? But I'm blown away girl it didn't keep u down. U got right up & carried on. U queened it, very impressive. Make sure to take it easy though as u don't want to delay ur comeback. The new timetable is up so have look. It's looking even spicier for week 3. Good luck with ur follow up on ur knee I'll keep my fingers crossed 🤞 for u. Take care Carol 👑👑👑❤️❤️❤️

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