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Progress; How did you do it? | MaeveMadden

Progress; How did you do it?

  • Hi all,

    Blown away by all of the progress pics! Queens looking amazing both before and after! 

    I am really curious to know how many workouts (or types of workouts) you were doing a week and if you were following a nutrition plan to get such results? I know every body is different and some may see results faster than others, but just curious as I start off on my journey! 

    Thanks in advance for any advice 👑

  • Hey gal, I managed to lose over two stone last year doing a mixture of Maeve's workouts and the gym ( I eventually cancelled the gym because I prefer queens don't quit workouts). Now I had a lot of weight to lose so 2 stone in a year was very achievable for my weight. 

    I would say I did an average of 4 workouts a week and on my rest day I try to get a walk in just because it helps me sleep and I actually enjoy it. I definitely did cut back on food but not in a very restrictive way. I just started to change my mind frame around eating as opposed to dieting because I don't think dieting is sustainable long term. I just tried not to eat many takeaways (I fell off the bandwagon a few times) and reduce alcohol intake but that was mainly because the pubs are closed. I just made a conscious effort to cut down the amount of sugar and bad fats I was eating for my health and this in turn reduced my weight. Dieting is tricky because it's almost like we want to eat something because we shouldn't or can't not because were actually hungry or need it. I just try to keep a balance and focus on the workouts and that helps me. At the beginning of the year I did use a calorie tracker to just help me realise how many calories were in certain foods. I don't track food now because I have a rough idea of what I'm eating.

    I hope you found this helpful, I know it's very vague. My main advice would be to write out clear goals for every week on a Monday and take it day by day ❤️

  • @Roisin Leo Thank you so much Roisin! This is fantastic advice. I know we can't compare our journeys, but starting off I just wanted to know the frequency of workouts etc everyone was doing to see results. 

    A massive congratulations to you on your 2 stone weight loss, that is epic! I think I may be a bit like yourself, I have a good bit of weight to lose too. I know how hard it is to lose that amount of weight, so fair play to you Queen! 

    Have started the spring challenge this week, which requires a minimum of 3 workouts a week. So that's a good incentive to get myself started. Hopefully I can start adding in extra workouts, as I increase my energy. 

    Thanks again for your advice Roisin, I really appreciate it. ✨

  • Hey Lesley!

    I've been doing Maeve's workouts since March and loving them. I was reasonably fit before I started but I still noticed a major change in my body — I got abs for the first time! They're gone now after Christmas but I'll get them back again some day 😂

    I didn't follow any specific nutrition plan — I have a food blog so I'm always eating lots of treats (taste testing, of course) but I do eat healthily in addition to this. I focus on getting lots of vegetables into me at lunch and dinner time, which means I fill up on nutrients and I'm less likely to overindulge. I used to count calories so I have a good idea of how much I'm eating, and I'd say on an average day I'm eating about 2,000 calories. On recipe-testing days this number is significantly higher! For reference, I'm 5 ft 2 and around 53kg.

    Workouts-wise, I do 5 a week most weeks, and I try to be as active as I can throughout the day in addition to this. Working from home means this can be tough, but I aim for 10k steps a day ☺️ I usually get about 3000 steps from a Team Queen workout and then get the remainder from a walk. From what I've read, this extra activity makes a huge difference!

    Sorry for the essay but I hope this helps,
    Sarah x

  • @Sarah Berney this is great advice, Sarah! Thank you! Think I'll have to build up to 5 workouts a week, but it's a work in progress. I did three workouts this week (just started the Spring Challenge) and I really enjoyed them. So that's a good start! Thank you again 👑

  • @Lesley Cosgrave Hey Lesley, hope you're well queen 😇 In the previous 12 week challenge I lost just over 7lb and a few inches from waist, upper arms and hips! I felt so much stronger and the definition in my stomach had definitely improved!! 

    I was completing 4-5 of Maeve's workouts a week, and always trying to do Sweaty Sevens Upper Arms (once or twice a week) as it was a really big goal of mine for my arms to get more defined (in preparation for my wedding dress in July!). 

    I really didn't want to restrict my diet too much, I love food and I want to enjoy it as much as I can, not feel like I am on a 'diet'. So I have started using an App called Carbon. It's a little bit like Fitness Pal but a bit smarter and uses Macro's rather than just calories, so I know I'm getting the right balance of foods too. I really like it, it's easy to use and even though my weight fluctuates, over time, I can see it going down steadily which is good enough for me!! Slow and Steady wins the race hehe. 

  • i love hearing everyone's stories and tips!! I've been part of team queen since last April and since then i've lost probably 8lbs and several inches in total but i've gained so much more energy and strength.  At the beginning, by the time it came to the abs sections i would be dying and would either stop or only complete half of it and def couldn't complete the finisher!!Now...although i'm sweating and wrecked, i can complete them all (still hate the plank haha sorry Maeve)!!! I didn't and don't diet as i just find myself sef sabotaging but i did try to meal plan during the week (this helped massively for me, especially for work lunches.... i wasn't working from home), make smarter choices for snacks... if i wanted chocolate i had it but not every day :), get my 2l water in every day and during the Christmas challenge i cut out my night time tea and bikkies during the week...another bold habit that i need/want to cut now again!! Still enjoyed yummy food, treats and wine at the weekend but made sure to always get at least 3/4 weekday workouts (whenever i could fit them in with work and kids), a saturday workout in, i LOVED the insta lives and a Sunday walk with the kids!! Excited to check in with everyone throughout the Spring Challenge.... best of luck :)

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