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Recipes with Protein Powder | MaeveMadden

Recipes with Protein Powder

  • Hey Queens 👑 I'm trying to use more of my protein supplement for recovery. I'm obsessed with Maeve's chocolate and peanut butter shake. I sometimes make overnight oats/porridge with a scoop of chocolate protein. Has anyone any other ideas or recipes that they use? I might also try protein pancakes 🥰 thank you! 💜

  • I personally love a shake - soooo easy and convenient. My go to is chocolate protein, frozen cherries, sugar free almond milk, water and lots of little treats...chia seeds, flax seeds, blended greens in powder form and moon balance (a powdered food supplement for women). It's sooo yummy and nutritious!! I put it in the freezer for 5/10 mins before drinking and it tastes like a milkshake!!!! 

    Could also try protein balls...something like this...https://www.allrecipes.com/recipe/233985/chocolate-protein-balls/

    I can't make them else I eat them all in one go 🤣🤣🤣

  • @Katie Rynne oh my that sounds so so nice Katie! Thanks so much I'll definitely try that this week!  I'd be the exact same I'd eat too many in one day but they're defo an option. Thanks for sending the link 🙏🏻🙏🏻👑👑👑

  • @Amy NicUilliam Hey queen, if you go on Instagram Roz Purcell has loads of recipes that include protein powder on her naturalbornfeeder account! I love most of them and they're usually lower in sugar too and they really are still tasty! She has lovely protein balls on it, definitely would look there x

  • @Niamh Byrne Awh thanks so much Niamh. I'll definitely have a look there 👑 looking forward to making them! 

  • Hey Amy, I second @Niamh Byrne about Roz Purcells recipes, I made her Proats breakfast "cake" on Saturday for the first time and it was so good! Roz says it's one portion, but its so so filling. It also was no hassle to make just have to prep it the night before. 


  • @Ailbhe Kelly-Miller thanks so much ! Yes I want something that's handy to make but still nice 😂 thanks again 👑👑

  • @Ailbhe Kelly-Miller Oh my the Proats 😍😍she has wee "snickers" bars that are AMAZING too 😍@Amy NicUilliam some of the recipes have chocolate protein powder but I don't have chocolate protein powder so I'll usually just make it with the normal one on it's own or else add a tsp of cocoa powder and I think it does pretty much the same job 😂☺️

  • Queens I don't take protein, I think I should start!!!!!

  • Hey Amy, these are delish and a great boost of energy after a workout. You can keep them in the fridge for a couple of days!

    Protein bars

    240g oats

    60g protein powder

    150g pitted dates

    3 tbsp maple syrup

    3 tbsp peanut butter

    10tbsp almond milk/ any milk

    Optional: 1tbsp cocoa powder 

    Pinch of salt

    Topping: 60g dark chocolate


    Blitz the oats into a flour in your food processor. Add the rest of the ingredients and blitz it all together until it forms a dough. Press firmly into a lined bread loaf tin.

    Melt the chocolate and drizzle over the top. Put in the fridge for 2-3 hours before cutting into little protein bars.

  • @Maeve O'Keeffe thank you so so much a Maeve!! I'll be busy making these this week ! So helpful !! 👏👏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

  • @Amy NicUilliam if anyone is using chocalate protein powder have just discovered mug cake... Tastes like chocolate cake!! 😍 Yum with little bit of ice cream 🙈 35g protein powder, 5g cacao, 2g baking powder, mixed in a biggish cup, add 60ml almond milk and into microwave for 30 secs. And then a further 5 secs but watch closely!!! Sooo nice 😁

  • @Leonie Mcnulty this sounds unreal.it sounds like a treat.

  • @Maeve O'Keeffe thanks for sharing your recipe. It sounds healthy and like something I would enjoy. 😊

  • @Niamh Byrne yes I agree that the naturalbornfeeder page is brilliant for recipes. I've tried a few different ones on there. 

  • Hi Queens 

    These sound so good!

    Can I ask what protein powder it is that you use/recommend? X

  • @Hannah Dagens I'm using whey protein . Not the best for making baked protein stuff for that I use casein (only because I have it handy in the house!) Whey sound for shakes, over night oats and mug cake! 

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