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Breakfast Alternatives 🥣 | MaeveMadden

Breakfast Alternatives 🥣

  • Hey Queens! 👑

    I was wondering if anyone had suggestions for good healthy, quick and filling breakfasts?

    I am an absolute cereal fiend (with soya milk tho) but I'd like to look for alternatives that leave me less bloated but nice and full, but I don't want to have to cook eggs everyday! 

    I have tried porridge a couple of times but its not really been my vibe...unless someone has a more exciting version!


    Thanks gals xx

  • @Jenny Wilson hiya Queen, oh I know it's so hard to move away from what u're comfortable with. And of crse some days we also have to consider what's easiest & quickest too. My go to's are. 1 - Overnight oats. 2- Weetabix, berries & 250ml low fat milk. 3-  Poached egg, mushrooms, cherry tomatoes, low fat low salt medallions & sautéed onions (onions cooked in microwave tbh) 4 - Poached Egg on lightly toasted wholemeal bread with avocado. There what I wld have throughout a week Jenny. Hope u might get something u might like from that Queen. 👑 👑 👑 ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ 

  • @Audrey Browne thanks audrey! I might try the overnight oats actually and think of some fun toppings 😇 love eggs and mushrooms 😍 

  • @Jenny Wilson an alternate version of having to cook eggs would be the equivalent but pre-baked in muffin cases in the oven, and then you can just heat some in the microwave?

    Overnight oats are so handy, if you chop some fruit in they absorb in with the milk, and could put some seeds on top like chia seeds. If I am cook porridge I usually chop some blueberries in to make with the porridge, then when cooked I add some protein yoghurt and a small spoon of peanut butter and mix in. But like with porridge you could even melt a small square of white or milk choc into it to liven up the taste if that is your issue (I know for some people it is consistency or texture that they don't like!)

    Turkey rashers (not everyone's thing!) are handy- take 3 mins each side, could have on wholemeal bread/toast with some avocado and maybe fry some veg with them. 


  • @Jenny Wilson Hey Jenny.  Breakfast is my favourite meal of the day! Maybe because I am the only one in the house awake so it is my only peaceful meal ha!  I think porridge is a great way to start the, so healthy and filling but it really is all about the toppings.

    I always have different nut butters, honeys, seeds etc. in the cupboard to add to my porridge.  It's also handy to keep blueberries in the freezer and pop them in before you heat the porridge.  So nice and no moudly blueberries in the fridge.  Or sometimes I stew apples or berries with a little ginger and cinnamon - so nice at this time of year.

    I find oat and nut milks tastier than soya milk.  And M&S Plant Kitchen do a great dairy free yoghurt.

    Healthy porridge during the week but always treat myself to a cooked breakfast at the weekend 😊

    Hope this helps

  • Hey Jenny, I love having wholegrain rice cakes with some peanut butter and banana. It's great for after a workout because its a nice mix of fats, carbs & protein and its super quick! I find it fills me up without the bloat

    Very often I'll have it with a homemade smoothie to get some extra fruit and veg in too (less fruit in the smoothie will mean you probably won't feel as bloated!)

  • @Jenny Wilson

    Hi Jenny!

    Another option would be baked oats with some natural yogurt and fruit - recipe and other ideas from this Instagram https://instagram.com/themacrocoach.ie?igshid=1enknl2ins71m

    As a weekend treat I like to make protein pancakes - 1 egg, 1 small banana, scoop of protein powder (I use carmel and banana flavour) oats and milk (I use oat) and blend, it will be a thick consistency. Fry and serve with 2 tablespoons of natural yogurt and fruit. 

    Also some french toast - 2 slices of sliced bread coated in 1 beaten egg, cover with cinnamon, fry and serve with a tablespoon of honey and fruit.

    I wouldn't have these everyday but nice to mix it up 😊

  • I love a bit of rye bread with poached eggs on and some avo on the side!! I tried this overnight oats recipe the other day that was amaaaazing as well! You use Jimmy's iced coffee instead of yoghurt or milk and so the oats soak that up and all the cinnemon and spices you put in there and you can have it with nuts and berries too! V delish 😍

  • @Sharon Scully Thanks Sharon! Thanks for the advice, I did find some fruit in the freezer and got the other half to pick up some chia seeds 😜😜

    And yes I've tried turkey rashers before and liked them, maybe a Friday breakfast for me!

  • @Niamh Burke hey Niamh! Thanks for the advice! I love breakfast too, I can't do a day without it 😂

    Great idea about the frozen fruit, I still have some in my freezer from when I forgot to keep having smoothies 😝 so will defo use them! 

    I also have some oat milk in the fridge for coffee so ill try out the different milks to see what I fancy! 

  • @Maeve O'Keeffe yesss rice cakes- ill add this to my shopping list this week! 😊 I have been getting very snacky and always try to go for the fruit before the crisps 😂 ill try to get back into smoothies again too! Thank you!

  • @Aisling O'Shea ooh I'd have never thought of baked oats! Will definitely keep this in mind thank you!! 

    Oh I love French toast, maybe I should just make a bit more time reserved for breakfast some days 😍

  • @Bella Armfield I've still never tried rye bread, is it any good and can I get it in aldi?😂😂

    But the egg and avo combo can never be beaten 😍

    And wow that sounds interesting, you'd be buzzing after your breakfast and I am here for that haha! Thank you!

  • This is great girls,  I love breakfast but usually have the same thing, Turkey rashers, egg and bagels. Defo need to change it up!!!!

  • @Carmel Mulvany I'd love to have that everyday 😍😍 just dont always get the time unfortunately!

  • @Jenny Wilson oh fruit is my fav snack

    Just sometimes when I have too much of it at once I can get v bloated and its so easy to go overboard on it in smoothies haha so I use spinach, kale, cucumber etc to bulk it up 

  • @Jenny Wilson I know queen, nice quick ideas sounds brill too!!!!

  • Hey Jenny I love milbona protein yogurts from lidl (i hate yogurts/quark etc in general so i was thrilled when these were so fab) i put the tub of yogurt into a lunch box,add all bran or cruncy bran on top, then frozen raspberries or any fruit on top and some melted biscoff on top - Approx 250 cals depending on how much biscoff or fruit you use. Its also approx 25g protein and 6g fibre

    I also sometimes make protein waffles using Myprotein pancake mix and add fruit and syrup/biscoff on top :)

  • @Jenny Wilson i think you probs can!! I personally think its delish! Also the iced coffee oats thing is really good if you leave it for two days in the fridge rather than one I find, not too sweet either! 

  • @Audrey Browne@Niamh Burke@Sharon Scully @Maeve O'Keeffe@Carmel Mulvany@Jenny Wilson these are great ideas 😍😍😍 I do generally find if I have poached eggs or scrambled eggs on rye then I'm fuller for longer. I love fruit and Greek yoghurt but it never entirely fills me up 😂🤣

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