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Monday Motivation! | MaeveMadden

Monday Motivation!

  • Morning Queens! Can you believe this is the start of our forth week!!! I thought maybe we could all do with a bit of positivity and motivation to help start our week off! So I'm going to share a Monday reminder picture, that I needed to see myself this morning! Please share your own!  We've got this Queens 👑 

  • @Rebecca Evans Love this- coffee always! Week 4 whoop whoop, we got this! I'm actually so excited for the workouts this week (says she like that isn't the same every week, it just doesn't get old for


    I'm attaching a photo of my snowy hike yesterday!- this is my why, I want to be as strong and fit as I can be to be active in life

    Also Head & Heart has just been played on the radio, having a little bop in my home office and looking forward to 9.30! 


  • Yes queens, I love these!!!!! Here's to another fabulous wk of fun and sweat and lols!!!! 

    Sending love and hugs to you all!!! 

  • @Carmel Mulvany I am on such a high after that class!!!! At the start I was feeling a bit sluggish but then the energy just hit and I'm buzzing with the endorphins now! Side-plank queening too, so amazing!!! 

  • @Sharon Scully awh that's fantastic queen!!!! Well done you!!!! I am doing home schooling do I'll get it done soon and I can't wait! Need an energy boost as I'm so hormonal....🤭🤭🤭

  • @Carmel Mulvany Oh you will definitely get a boost from it! Lots were saying it was their highest burn in a long time. It was a brilliant class

    Aw good luck with the home-schooling, I am so in awe of all parents doing this at the moment, it is so difficult; try not put too much pressure on yourself with it, and I always say to my nieces and nephews that they are learning lots of life lessons and coping skills at the moment and if that is all the achieve isn't that enough! 

  • @Sharon Scully well said queen!!!! Ur so right! I've been going on adventures up the fields alot lately with kids to feed a donkey and we have a red squirrel living in the garden so of course we had to make a box of nuts to feed him....😂😂😂. The kids love all that stuff! And me too 🤭

    Oh my gosh, wish me luck for class and I just washed hair last night.....😪😪😪😂😂😂

  • @Sharon Scully awww lovely photo!! Hope you enjoyed your morning hike! Sounds perfect. I love walks in the snow! 

    And yes wasn't that class amazing! I had a really high burn, I loved each song. And it's made such a great start to my Monday morning. 

    I was straight onto entertaining my 3 year old after the workout. I feel your pain@Carmel Mulvany . Trying to juggle work, home learning, workouts, keeping the house tidy (impossible when you have kids at home) and time for yourself isn't an easy task. But we've got this!!! Getting some fresh air and going for snow adventures has definitely lifted mine and my daughters mood! 

    Hope you both enjoy the rest of your Monday!! 

  • @Rebecca Evans Week 4 got off to great start this morning :)

    Sharon your pic is fab of the walk 

    I managed to give Bonnie her brekkie to keep her somewhat occupied while i worked out and then i brought her in for the shower with me so i manage to get her shower out of the way at same time and one less job to do later :) Going to get a few steps in on treadmill now while she runs next door to granny for 30 mins x

  • @Rebecca Evans you know it queen, it can be a siege sometimes,  I'm taking multi tasking to a whole new level 😂😂😂😂 we can do it though, we r queens and queens dont quit xxxx

  • queens is anyone else struggling this week it midterm no school work but I'm struggling with work out sweats dripping but not burning as much calories at minute. X 

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