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First Time Poster | MaeveMadden

First Time Poster

  • Hi girls!

    So I've been doing Maeve's workouts since lockdown 1 and been a member on here since August and I have been a little shy to posting on here 🙈

    No idea why as I know this is such a supportive community. 

    But anyway, this is just a post to say hello and to say thank you for creating all the positive vibes 😊

    Hopefully not my last post 😂

  • @Cara no need to be shy around here I don't think 😌 how are you enjoying the workouts? I just joined at the start of Jan! Fingers crossed not your last post 😉

  • @Cara the community is fabulous, have you ever "met" a more lovely, supportive bunch of girls who celebrate everyone's success! It is a safe space for sharing, never any judgement and I love checking in on the forum now to see how everyone is doing, try support where possible and be as big a cheerleader as I can. It's just a wonderful added bonus and benefit to have, to such great workouts! 

    And like there is no need to be posting regularly anyways- you do what feels best for you, and know that we are always here! 

    Hope you are loving week 4!!!!

  • @Leonie Mcnulty loving the workouts as always, first time I've actually enjoyed exercise haha. Can't believe how far I've come since  March when I was having to pause and take breaks lol. Now feel like I'm flying through them. 

  • @Sharon Scully thanks Sharon and you're right such a great bonus to have. I love now there's some lives in the mornings and evenings before/after work so I can actually see all the comments and energy as it comes in 😊

  • @Cara Lets go girlllll, awww im so thrilled your posted, im all biz now yay ..

  • @Cara omg so proud of you that is amazing to hear.... I mean its just such a fantastic journey that we all have been on together.. Some new queens and some queening since March, I cant believe we are doing thigs like the side plank leg lift and the new mountain cross climbers... omg the froggers 

  • @Maeve Madden thanks Maeve! Oh the froggers and side planks still kill every time 😂but could never have imagined doing them back in March. Trying to Concentrating on the fitness and strength progress I've made rather than weight cus hey it's just a number 

  • @Cara Nice one Cara - like you I have been doing team queen since last March - i love the forum but was working full time up to mid Dec so didnt have much time to come on but since I've been posting more actively its been great to make friends and get to know girls  - talk to you again soon x

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