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Big changes this week 🤩 | MaeveMadden

Big changes this week 🤩

  • Can't believe I'm saying this - but I've dropped 3.5 kg since Jan 4th!!!!!!! However saying that what I'm super thrilled about is I can get back into my jeans and my ass looks great 😅

    4 x workouts a week with Maeve, watching my food and drinking atleast 2litres of water a day.

    I just feel absolutely fantastic - my energy is up, I feel strong, fit and just so much happier in myself. I really am pushing myself harder and harder when Maeve tells us to dig in and try the harder exercises, push it harder and just do our best !  Even himself says he sees a big difference in me 😭

    I'm still having a glass of wine (or 2 ) at the weekend and my treats within reason. Definitely not restricting myself in anyway but I'm just keeping a good diary which is making me so much more aware of what I eat and where I can improve (i.e. have some fruit instead of the biscuit etc.). Just wanted to share with the Queen Community 👑 

  • @Kelli Fennessy this is amazing. It's so nice too when someone else can see a difference in you. It's just such a lovely post to read tonight. Thanks for sharing.

  • @Kelli Fennessy woooohoooo Kelli absolutley queening... I am the same always have my weekend prosexy, used to be a few nights I would have a glass and now slowly in jan im cutting it down and down back to just the one night which I will not let go off... It is most definitley the small changes that add up to big results..

  • @Kelli Fennessy well done queen you are an inspo!! I'm struggling so much to get my diet back on track and my energy levels have been so bad since having covid at Christmas. Finally feeling myself this week so tomorrow I am getting back on track!

  • @Kelli Fennessy u've got this queen. U know what is working for u & sticking to it. Which in turn is giving u the results u want . Well done u Kelli. Congrats Queen 👑 👑 👑 ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ 

  • Congrats queen!! 👏🏼👏🏼
    Love that you aren't restricting yourself too much. This is all a path to a healthier lifestyle but you can't forget to TREAT YO SELF! 👑 keep it up! 

  • @Kelli Fennessy yes queen that's absolutely brilliant!!!!!!! So so proud of you!!! Great bootay and fitting into Jean's..... get in there!!!!!! Xxx

  • Thank you all so much for your kind words !!! Love what @Maeve Madden said about small changes and big results. I put myself through so much trying to go cold turkey, setting unrealistic expectations myself where I would ultimately succeed short time then fail. And I'm just sick of failing. I know I can do it but i need to be kind to myself too. So for example instead of just munching (i.e. devouring) a whole share bag of chocolate I weigh myself out some in a separate bowl and enjoy every bite without restriction ! I would recommend keeping a food diary for anyone struggling on that side of things - really has helped me to understand what I'm putting into my body and where I can tweak it ☺️Next update il be braver and put up pictures - I chickened out tonight 😂 Also I know @Maeve Madden has a nutritionist coming on board - I am really excited for it !! 😃

  • @Kelli Fennessy Oh Kelli that's amazing! Well done Queen and so lovely to see how fantastic you're feeling too 😊👑

  • @Kelli Fennessy Woohoo amazinf Kelli - nothing better than the non scale victories to keep you going x

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