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Early Bird Spice 👑❤️ | MaeveMadden

Early Bird Spice 👑❤️

  • How fab was this mornings workout queens? 🙌🏻🔥 personally was feeling hormonal and a little flat this morning but definitely still have it my 110% and the sweat was PUMPING 💪🏻 It's so so nice to get up early and get moving before the day starts 🙌🏻👑🔥🔥 Absolutely loved the abs today too, that dead bug is so effective 🔥👑

  • @Niamh Byrne oh NIamh you and I both, I definitely stuggeled more this week than last, but I know next week ill be back to my normal self.. I track my cycle so kinda know when im going to be meh its really handy.. I down loaded an app called clue its free but very useful...

  • @Niamh Byrne absolutely loved it 🌶 the spice and sweat was so real 😅 buzzing for fit in 15 and sweaty 7's 🥳💪🏻

  • @Niamh Byrne I was feeling exactly the same this morning but so much better now! Started the day strong 💪🏻 

  • @Niamh Byrne Had the alarm set but just couldn't get out of bed, think like many I'm struggling this week, for me tiredness and headaches. Also the feeling of ground-hog day!! BUUUUT after a workcall at 10.30 I'm gonna put this on and I just know it's gonna bring the day back under my control!! 

    Have a great hump day, we are getting there! 

  • @Niamh Byrne I was there but I didn't bring it myself  I'll have to come back after work and go again 🤦🏿‍♂️ 🙈  Jesus was it a punch pop burpee? I should have vidoe'd myself I was absolutely no where near and my co ordination has improved alot from week 1 , but it was all over the shop 😂😂😂 my sleep is rubbish at the mo it's making the days very hard but will get there at some stage this week I'm sure 🙈🥵

  • @Maeve Madden I actually haven't downloaded my tracker app on my new phone yet, thanks for reminding me! Definitely taking it easier until my body decides it's feeling super strong again! Feel like I'm missing out on so many workouts this week but really don't want to push myself too much especially when I'm hormonal! I don't know how you do it Maeve to be honest I'd be on the floor 😅😂

  • @Sharon Scully aw Sharon I was nearly like that too I was debating in my head whether to do it or not but have some college work that needs catching up on today so I said I'd get the early class done and that's be me for the day! I think this week is just a real struggle, at least it's the last week of January and hopefully the days will start getting longer and brighter soon 🤞🏻🤞🏻 

  • @Leonie Mcnulty Aw leonie some days I can't get any of the moves right 😂 the first time we did that punch, hook, pop, burpee I just had to stand and watch for the first few to try and get it right 😂 I'm so jealous of the people who put up time lapse's on Instagram, honestly I take them sometimes and I'm like Jesus no I can't put that anywhere I look like a baby giraffe on ice 😂😅 
    Aw it's the worst when your sleep isnt right queen 😔 definitely puts you off altogether! To be honest if I feel like I haven't gotten enough sleep sometimes I literally will schedule a nap into my day because I just really feel it! Even if you don't really sleep but the rest for that 20 minutes I find really helps when I need a boost! I also take magnesium and I have a lavender pillow spray and an eye mask that I think have really helped my sleep 💤 I've had this weird thing the past few nights of waking up at 3:50am on the dot for some reason 🤨 I can fall back asleep fone after it usually but every single night the exact same time it's very strange 😅😂

  • Also, the class is saved as Wednesday the 29th of January for anyone catching up. I just caught up there myself and it took me a few minutes to realise the date is incorrect on the workout. It's just under today's IG Fit in 15. 

    The abs was an absolute sweater for me. It was a lovely class. The combat routines are so much fun. I love the music. 

  • @Emma Sullivan Sweaty 7s is my absolute fav 👑

  • Just did it after Fit 15 and Sweaty Sevens! Feeling fab

    Love the idea of ankle weights x

  • Love sweaty 7s arms! 😍 I would love the Wednesday cardio class to bring back some of our HIIT favourites like spice girls and Beyoncé, I miss them 😭 and they give me a bigger burn and higher heart rate than combat but I think that's cos my combat coordination is rubbish 😂🙈 Has anyone managed to find dumbbells anywhere? I need to get some 3s and 5s! Xx

  • @Laura C aw I love the spice girls! Spice girls brings me back to the first time I managed to do burpees and I would be so proud of myself after who do you think you are, I think it'd be fab to bring back for HIIT and arms or combat 🙌🏻 Aw Laura I can't find weights anywhere online it's so annoying!! 

  • @Niamh Byrne oh well done you queen!! 👏🏻 I just love the HIIT songs so I'm singing away and don't really even notice what I'm doing and then check my heart rate at the end of it and it's through the roof! I'll keep looking for dumbbells and I'll post a link if I find any 

  • Did my own early bird session this morning using sweaty 7's upper body from this week. Great to have it done ✅ thinking I might get myself a kettlebell 5kg- I don't think I'll go higher than that on weights- any thoughts? My 2kg dumbbells arrived yesterday after nearly 2 weeks- Decathlon if anyone is looking for weight s at the mo- they are like gold dust- still waiting on FIIT mat I ordered 2 weekends ago- disaster- I should've held out for Maeve's mats at this rate- that has a nice ring to it- MM Maeve's mats!! 😂👸👸👸

  • Oh thanks for the information on where to get some weights. The Sweaty Sevens classes are brilliant.

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