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Furry Queens and Kings 🐶 🐱 | MaeveMadden

Furry Queens and Kings 🐶 🐱

  • Hey queens!! This thread is a shameless excuse to share some exciting news.... we adopted a dog this weekend 😭❤️ I know Maeve is an animal lover and an activist against puppy farms so thought you might all like this news too...

    Sadly Jacks owner was quite elderly and put Jack in a boarding kennel when he went for an operation in hospital and heartbreakingly wasn't able to go home after his recovery and of course couldn't take Jack to the care home with him. Jack was living alone in the kennels for a month 😞 (no other dogs as no one is on holiday and needing to use the kennels!), we went to visit him Saturday and brought him home to live a happy life with us in Wales. He's an older boy, 11 year old Saluki cross (we think maybe collie?!) he is settling in so well and is good as gold in the house. I did all out legs this morning and wondered if he'd be wary of the jumping around but he just sat and watched me with a head tilt (probably thinking what on earth is she up to 😂). 

    Also, because animals are such a joy and I already feel like Jack is part of the family I thought a thread with photos of all our pets would be so heartwarming 🥰 can't wait to see your furry kings and queens!!

  • @Shaunagh Smith Oh Shaunagh! This is such a beautfiul story! 😭❤️ I am such an animal lover (especially when it comes to dogs) and it's so lovely to read that you've brought him into your family and gave him such a loving home! 🥰 I wish I had my own furry friend to share with you but fingers crossed one day I'll be able to adopt a Jack of my own 💛

  • @Shaunagh Smith that is such a nice story, Jack looks lovely. I hope he will love his new home 🥰 I absolutely love dogs 🐶❤️ If I could I would have a house full of them 🙈 I have one black lab Bella. We had two but had to put Bob down two weeks ago 😢 she was 15. So trying to get used to life with only one dog now. They are such a nice companion to have especially now being in lockdown again 🥰

  • @Shaunagh Smith oh this fills my heart with joy.  I always say to himself when we move home to ireland and have a house with a garden we will adopt the dogs... We hve tried a few times here to adopt but living in an apartment they have always been funny about it, even though we have a spare room and we have a park on site.  There are so many dogs in the building we live in and I get so jelly of everyone... Himself friends dog is pregnant so im begging him to take one of the pups but idk will see.. 

  • @Shaunagh Smith awww this is such a lovely story to see, Jack is beautiful and I'm sure he will love his new home with you ❤️  our family dog of 12 years died last lockdown and we are desperate to adopt another so this post has defo given me the kick up the ass to start looking again!

  • @Ellen Whelan Aw Ellen Im so sorry I lost my 14 year old Cavalier in June during lock down too, it was horrific, I think I cried for a week solid. I still have a little chuihuahua who was heart broken and is only starting to come around now but is a different dog, and will not leave my side, I dont sit down to watch tv till quite late in the evening and that is when she will relax and be straight up on my lap, she sits there waiting for me to finish my dinner so she can take her space on my lap!


  • @Jia Moriarty oh theyre beautiful, my mam has 3 labradors, they are such amazing dogs!! So sorry to hear of your losses it's absolutely heartbreaking to lose a pet they really are part of the family 😞 that's the only worry about getting a dog is how difficult it is when anything happens to them. 💔

  • @Maeve Madden oh wouldn't it be a dream to have a home filled with dogs!! Yes the stipulations to adopt are so strict which is understandable but it makes it very tough for people who want to do something good 🙁 oh my goodness that's exciting news good luck with persuading himself!! It did take me 6 years of badgering my other half before he finally relented and I think that was only because of our wedding being postponed he needed to take our relationship to the next level another way by making me a dog mam  😂🙈 

  • @Anne Hamilton Black awww Anne I'm so sorry to hear😓  it must be so hard for your other dog bless her, hope you are okay it really is like losing a loved one isn't it!

  • @Anne Hamilton Black ah Anne I lost one of my two Shih Tzu's at the start of lockdown and similarly to your little one my poor boy was completely heartbroken. He has not been the same since. He is fairly blind and used to rely on his brother to follow around. Now he never leaves my side and whimpers if he can't find me. He only goes outside now to do his business and comes straight back in and he is like an old man overnight. It breaks my heart. They are so important to us aren't they? Here he is in desperate need of a haircut like the rest of us!  

  • @Shaunagh Smith what a gorgeous story. And lucky old Jack looks like he landed on his feet! He is beautiful. 

  • @Ciara Franklin Aw bless him. 

    My Chihuahua wont go on walks anymore without being dragged and then is terrified of everything, she panics if any of us leave the house, so us all being here all the time is probobly making her worse. I dont know what we will do whenever we go back to working in an office/being at school, I'll have to get her a babysitter!!

    We have kids on the road that knock in to say hi to her everyday! They are bored in the afternoon and just want a lick from her! Its very sweet!

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