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Weekend Eating | MaeveMadden

Weekend Eating

  • Hi girls, loving the work outs but I'm struggling. I feel like I do so well all week and Average at the weekend, I still walk and work out so I can eat nice weekend treats but I feel like I have to start from scratch every Monday morning with the lbs back on again.any advice for  this? 

  • @Charlene McGovern I think preparation is key! Plan your food, your treats and your excercise! The weekend is 42% of the week! I think the maths is right there 😂 I usually stick to work outs in the morning, a walk and then breakfast, so usually by 12pm I'm having my first meal and l I don't mind putting off breakfast where as the evenings I love grazing and eating bigger meals! Hope that helps 🥰

  • @Charlene McGovern I am in the exact same boat! Come Friday I give in to temptations. I then feel super guilty which makes it worse. I've been trying to plan out my weekends ahead of time, but it have not been sticking to the plan. Myself and my other half like to watch shows together at the weekend and I don't seem to have the willpower to not indulge in snacking and some drinks.

    Posting to get notifications of any helpful comments the Queens can give us 🙏❤️

  • @Leonie Mcnulty thanks for your reply. My problem is will power. Once I open that bag of crisps it's game over for me but surly after working so hard all wee a few crisps can't put me back to square one 😄 definitely gona try be more prepared for next weekend. 

  • @Charlene McGovern oh my god preach gal 

  • Omg the weekend is 42% of the week, yikes! especially since I consider Thursday to be the "almost weekend" and start having treats in the evening then! Ok this month I'm going to try and plan the weekend treats a bit better. Would love to hear rec's if anyone has any! 

  • @Charlene McGovern I am totally the same!! Usually on track from Monday-Friday and doing my workouts. I only work the weekends and I swear I'm like a pig on Saturday and Sunday I can't control myself!! 

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