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Absolute beginner! | MaeveMadden

Absolute beginner!

  • I'm totally new and finding it a bit difficult to find my way around the workouts - is there somewhere they are put into categories, like type of workout, equipment needed etc? I did the beginner workout today but not sure what to do next... thanks!

  • I'm new too, I'm finding my way round the website too sorry I would'nt be much help. Will be interested in replies though. 

  • Hey. 

    If you go into library, all the different kinds of workouts are at the bottom of the page.. hope that helps. Im new too. Just did a 10 mins ab attack, wrecked but feel good for doing something. 😊

  • Hi and welcome @Susanne Corr and @Noelle OConnor 👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻

    Yes as Caitriona says, all the workouts are saved in the library tab at the top. The only workouts I'd say you 'need' weights for would be sweaty 7s arms on Wednesdays and Tracey's class on Thursday evenings. The rest of Maeve's workouts are bodyweight and weights and bands are optional but you'll still get a really good burn without them or you could substitute weights with water bottles or something. I hope that helps! Xx


    PS I think there is beginner class tomorrow live at 12.30pm and it'll probably be a cardio type class but low impact. 

  • Hey Queens..if you go to the blog section there is a post about what workout classes are best for weight loss, strength, cardio goals etc. 

    In the Live Workouts Section there is a calendar with the classes listed. If you hold down on a workout it will give u a little bit more information about each class.

  • Thanks everyone, that's all really helpful! I'll check out the blog post now 😊

  • Welcome wonderful queens! Most of Maeve's workouts have beginner versions throughout, however there are beginner workouts each week and 100s saved from the past few weeks in the library! You can do those at any time so might help to build confidence. 
    I would defo recommend Combat Queens @6pm on Tuesday this week for all levels and also the HiiT party Friday @9.30am ❤️ any questions just ask xx

  • Hi I new here only started last week I'm just trying a variety I'm desperately bad at some stuff but I'm enjoying it. 

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