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Spicy Circuits | MaeveMadden

Spicy Circuits

  • Hi


    Just wondering does anyone know if Spicy Circuits from IGTV will be uploaded to the website?  I noticed last weeks didn't and see that so far yesterdays class is not there?  I prefer to do my workouts on the website and not Instagram (even though that's where I started !), any information would be great thanks x

  • I was just looking for it too @Fiona Carty

  • @Fiona Carty I think sometimes it just takes a while to download from insta and then upload onto the website, I do prefer them on the website because it seems to transfer to my TV better but am off to do spicy circuits now before combat queens x

  • @Niamh Byrne Fair play Niamh! I'd be wrecked doing 2 in a row....especially Combat!

  • Fair play@Niamh Byrne i usually can only manage 2 in a row on Wednesday when one of them are quite slow paced like sweaty 7's or barre ballet ! I'll keep an eye out anyway 😉

  • I've been looking for Spicy Circuits for the last 2 weeks too.  Much prefer using the website on m laptop so hopefully they will get uploaded 😊  and fair play Niamh!  They are 2 killer workouts to do back to back 🔥

  • I think it's still on instagram. 

  • @Steph Bellew @Fiona Carty @Niamh Burke Would definitely say Monday's spicy circuits is worth popping onto insta to do! I absolutely loved it and feeling so so strong. Have a bit of DOMS today in my inner thighs and shoulders which I haven't had in a while but is it weird that I love feeling that my muscles are a bit sore because it lets me know that I've worked hard (also usually lets me know that it's getting close to rest day lol) 😂

  • @Niamh Byrne Thanks Niamh, will try this one this evening😊

  • Fingers crossed it starts being uploaded onto the site again. I am the same Fiona, I much prefer using the site to insta also! 

  • Hey all, did anyone else think tonight's class was super tough? I know it was shorter but Christ it was spicy! I was panting at the end 😂 those bloody froggers kill me but I feel I can actually do them properly now which is massive progress since starting in January when I couldn't manage them at all! 🐸 

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