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Saturday abs and arms | MaeveMadden

Saturday abs and arms

  • Loved today's class 🤭🤭 the ab routine was so so good. Love how@Maeve Madden  keeps us challenging ourselves!!  The pulsing leg raises were so spicy! Definitely recommend doing it if you haven't already. I'd Nearly do it again 😂🙏 Ready for Week 9 💛💛 

  • Yes I loved it. One of my favourite workouts of week....... maybe because it's my last and tomorrow a rest day!

  • It was such a fun class. I loved the warm up sing. It really made me smile and set the mood for the workout for me. 

  • @Amy NicUilliam I can't wait to do this today,  took rest day yesterday so gonna catch up today! So excited!!!!

  • @Carmel Mulvany you'll love it !!! Mix between sweaty sevens and combat abs love love love ❣️❣️❣️❣️The matwork is so good!

  • @Carmel Mulvany You'll love it Carmel. I wasn't feeling it yesterday morning but got into it, I've been very tired and hormonal since Friday so have not been getting as many workouts done as I'd have liked but I definitely thought Saturday's class was fab, the combinations of high and low impact were just fab and the abs was FIRE! Definitely felt so strong in the abs routine even though my hoemonal belly made it look like I had no core whatsoever lol 😅 Let us know how you find it queen x

  • @Amy NicUilliam@Niamh Byrne Oooohhhh queens that was just what i needed today!!! I started last wk quite well and was completing all workouts but seemed to hit a wall Thursday so like you Niamh i just didnt end the wk to good but that workout was just lovely to do before new wk and our LAST wk of challange, i cant actually believe that!!! i think ill do Esthers yoga b4 bed today, it always calms me down nicely b4 i sleep.  My 2 kids are back to school tomorrow so it will be busy wk but so happy they get to see their friends again.  Heres to another spicy wk queens!!! My core is totally gonna feel the affects of that new move tomorrow 😁 xx

  • I fell asleep on the sofa last night at 8pm! That final workout of the week just killed me, arms were like jelly. Here's to another good week 👑👑

  • @Amy NicUilliamQueen i absolutely loved it. It was a complete Sweat fest, 🥵🥵🥵🥵👑👑👑❤️❤️❤️

  • @Audrey Browne wasn't it Audrey! I would actually do it on repeat it was so so good!! Such a sweat fest!! 🤭🤭🤭

  • @Amy NicUilliam Just did Saturday's arms and abs. Was a good one - I do love the mix of circuit weights and some cardio to get the heart up. I actually just came on here to find the chat about the return of the pulses (knew there would be one!). I don't know if it's just me but I can only seem to pulse my horizontal leg and not my vertical leg. Seems to be my hips 👵! Definitely something to work on  💪

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