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Friday Hiit Party | MaeveMadden

Friday Hiit Party

  • Bit of a long post for me this. Did today's Hiit, and for the first time in ages I felt like I properly powered through, burnt 430cals in 50 minutes, and I'm buzzing! 
    What is even more surprising is I started my first period in about 6 months, (I changed my HRT last month, so I'm assuming that's why) but usually first day of my period I'm no use to man nor beast, let alone completing a workout of that intensity. I'm definitely getting fitter and stronger, I just wish I could walk away from the scales, because they never seem to go down in number. I track my daily food intake, but the number just seems stuck. 
    I know I shouldn't focus on my weight, but it's a habit I'm struggling to step away from. Any words of advice? xx

  • I usually go by clothes because the scale is no ones friend, or take pictures u honestly will be able to see ur body changes even if the numbers don't change. I personally haven't change weight or dress size but iv 100% toned and shaped up definitely see the difference, aiming For the healthy fit and stronger really hope that helps you. I'm sure your doing amazing 👸❤️ . Today's class@Maeve Madden was epic sweaty session and the core section was 🙌🏻 🔥  🌶 xx

  • @Mary Casale My tip to consider is : whenever you are beating yourself up about not having lost weight remind yourself that Maeve has mentioned before that she has not lost any weight since doing these workouts since March/April last year, and just let that sit you with for a small bit. 

    Can you move the scales out of sight, like even put it in the cupboard or just somewhere you did see it consistenly, and maybe out of sight out of mind might come into play a bit. 

    Know that you are doing fabulous and amazing- you are showing up for yourself, your body and your mind everytime you log onto one of these workouts. How much are you smiling during the workout, during the cooldown with the chats, and afterwards being delighted with yourself (430 cals burned- unreal!!!!) ??? Today you felt powerful and you were buzzing, that counts for everything and that feeling is sustainable, and is not dependent on a number on a scales- at that specific point in time you had that feeling, irrespective of what the scales said. The scales cannot take that away from you.

    I know it can be so so hard, but little changes here and there in terms of mindset, focus on strength and progress in workouts, cals burned as a marker against yourself, feeling healthy and strong and fit. it's a struggle we all have, and as women we are so much harder on ourselves. Try be proud of you! Hope this helps even a small bit, and always reach out here if you want to ! 


  • @Mary Casale You should be so proud of yourself queen! I definitely struggle with workouts on my period at the best of times. My advice to you would be to just take the batteries out of the scales or hide it away somewhere. Even get rid of it! Honestly that's what I had to do a while back and it made such a difference to both my attitude towards food and exercise. 

    How hard you work and how strong you are is not measured by the scales. There are so many things that can impact our weight and I feel lik when you dump the scales it just changes your attitude towards everything! I used to do great workouts and feel amazing, eating healthy and everything. The scales would tell me I'd failed but it's absolutely not true. I started doing Maeve's workouts in April last year, I was super consistent and for the first few months, yes I was weighing myself almost every day and let the scales decide whether I was going to have a good day or not and I was so unhappy and wasn't making any progress because if the scales said I was up weight I just figured well what's the point. 

    Fastforward a few months after I'd given up on the scales, I was putting far more effort into my workouts I was noticing I was getting stronger and I was thoroughly happy. Jumped back on the scales a few months later and I was the exact same weight as what I was in April but compared before and after pictures and I looked like a completely different person. More toned, happier and definitely more confident. I've only started focusing on my diet now after nearly a year of working out with Maeve and it's mainly because of Lent tbh but since starting Lent I've lost the most weight I've lost all year, I'm very proud of myself but even if I jumped on the scales and was up 5 pounds instead of down 5 pounds, I feel that because i stepped away and realised that there are so many things the scales doesn't measure. 

    I'm sure you are doing fantastic with the workouts queen but please remember the scales does not define you. You are strong, you are beautiful, you are getting fitter and you are a QUEEN! the scales will not tell you any of those things so you need to tell them to yourself! You are so so beautiful and worth way more than a number on a mass manufactured machine designed to ruin our day lol! 

    I'm sending you so much love and hugs queen, please try chuck out the scales for a few months, it's what I did and I promise you'll feel better! Be proud of yourself queen, we're all here for you if you ever need reassurance! You're working so hard and absolutely smashing the workouts by the sounds of it. 

    Last year I was afraid to look myself in the mirror, I hated what I saw. I forced myself to look in the mirror at myself, and give myself a compliment, try find the things you love about yourself. They might be difficult to find at first but the list will grow as you start to accept yourself. Appreciate what your body does for you queen! Stick on some music and dance like no bosy is watching, have a self care day. Do what makes you feel good and try practice self care and self love, and honestly if the scales don't make you feel good I definitely would recommend throwing them out the window (not literally cause literally and all that lol). Take some time to focus on your progress in ways that aren't weight, whether it be pictures, measurements, confidence, strength, anything. It's the little wins that mean the most and really try focus on those and be proud of yourself!

    Keep your head up queen and don't let the weighing scales knock your crown! Sending lots of love (apologies for the essay but I know what I feels like to feel like you're stuck or not making progress but you are making progress every single day, every single workout, every single rep! keep going queen xx) 


  • @Mary Casale go you queen, that's bloody fantastic that you done so well today!! You should be so so proud!!! I just completed this workout there now and I just loved it!  I managed to do all the burpees in titanium...... wk made!!!! 🤣🤩 delighted!!!

    Scales is completely gone 4 me,  I just don't want that disappointment and bad feeling.  I made d decision to throw it out and its the best thing ever. You will see change and progress in the mirror or in ur clothes.... please try not to let scales get to you, you are building muscle every day xx

  • Just caught up on Thee HITT party from yesterday, sad to be missing the live classes now that i am back at work but having the option to catch up is just amazing, feeling so fit and strong and proud of myself, this is the longest i have ever kept something up and its just because its FUN. It never feels like work or an effort, i just love it so much. After doing Thee HITT party this morning i am feeling super and ready for the weekend. 

    Best of luck with the festival tomorrow Maeve and all the guests. Everything you do is GOLD and this will be no different :) 

  • @Carmel Mulvany I 2nd the scales thing, im doing 4 work outs a week since Jan and have not moved even half a pound on the scales but i honestly feel sooooo fit and strong and im starting to look for lean. I know its not much but i ran 3km this week without having to stop and i didnt have a heart attack after so i know im making massive progress. The scales is not always our friend so its important to monitor your progress in other ways. :) 

  • @Niamh Byrne Thankyou soooo much for this, I needed to hear it. I've always been reasonably slim, but post menopause, there are parts of me I just don't recognise. However I'm undoubtedly fitter and stronger now than I was 4 months ago, and that has to be something to celebrate 🎉, plus I'm loving the energy that@Maeve Madden brings to all her workouts, and I actually look forward to them!! Thanks again, I quite like an essay 😉xx

  • @Emma Regan 3 km is huge hun so bloody own it girlfriend!!! Once you stop running, its like from scratch again, so the fact that you did 3 is absolutely amazing!!!!! Well done queen and keep up the great work xxx

  • @Mary Casale definitely celebrate all the little wins queen 👑 keep up the fabulous work and show yourself some love queen x

  • I just done the HIIT this morning, my first HIIT party and omg WOAH!! What a workout, brilliant caolrie burn! Missing the live classes now that I'm back to work but enjoying catching up on the classes in the evenings :) Best of luck with the festival tomorrow @Maeve Madden and guests!


  • @Carmel Mulvany I agree on the scales. I haven't changed much on the scales but feel much fitter than I did previously as well as my clothes feeling much better on than what they did before :) 

  • @Aoife Mc Callion oh yes queen,  that's what its all about!!! Noticing it in ur clothes is a great way and far better then scales any day!!!!! 

  • Yeah the Friday HIIT party is a great way to start the weekend. It's such a fun and uplifting class. I really enjoy it.

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