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College/Uni Queens Support Group 😂😅 | MaeveMadden

College/Uni Queens Support Group 😂😅

  • Hey Queens, 

    A few of us were in the chat on the live this morning just talking about how heavy this time of year is for college students and how hard it is to find the time to do anything other than study. But we were also saying how the workouts have been keeping us going through study. 

    So as a result I said I'd pop a wee thread in here for the queens who are in university, there's bound to be a few of us. You can pop in if you're struggling to fit in time, just to chat, rant or soon celebrate assignment submissions and exams! 🤞 I find with having lectures online it's so hard to detatch myself from my desk but the workouts are a godsend and it is so handy just being able to do them in the front room before/after lectures especially with the new early times (haven't gotten up for any of them the past 2 week but will get there lol). 

    It's super hard as well I find not being able to chat face to face to people in my class so this can maybe be our little support group until the semester is out ❤️

  • Hey Niamh, 

    I'm in final year of my degree and am definitely finding the last few weeks super busy! Loving the early morning QDQ classes as they encourage me to start my day earlier. 

    Hopefully, you don't have too many assignments left before exams start! Love the idea of a support chat to get us through the final few weeks xx

  • Hello! 

    I am in my second year as a doctoral psychologist student. I have really been struggling with doing everything online. I feel like all I do is look at my computer. Even with things opening its such a struggle to enjoy it, with deadline looming around the corner. 


    I agree getting up and strentching has been so helpful. Honestly QDQ has been a life saver for me. I feel like I have some connection with the outside world! 

  • Hey queens!!

    I'm a third year geography with environmental science and spanish student and the last few weeks have just been crazy!!! It is going to be as crazy until the end of May for me with exams!!

    My friends and I at uni have all been doing Maeve's workouts for the last year and they have helped us so so much, especially the early classes making us start our days earlier and get more work done throughout the rest of the day! even on saturdays!!!

    Good luck for all assingments and exams😘Xxx

  • @Rachael O’Riordan @Katelyn Connolly @Anna McCleave Hey Queens, I've been so absent on here the past while I literally just do my workouts and study. I'm coming into the last week of lectures before my exam starts and its so so heavy but honestly just the thought of being one step closer to having more free time and more time to workout without getting study guilt is pushing me through!

    The study guilt has definitely been real last week and probably will be this week as well, not sure if any of you ladies get it when you take time to workout? I hope you're all doing okay xx


  • @Niamh Byrne yes Niamh 100% I always feel guilty working out or even just going on daily walks!! But I know I have to do it and it's good for me!!!

    I'm trying to get as many workouts in as possible while managing the studying but I'm so excited for uni all to be done so I can do almost every workout every week!!

    Enjoy your last week of lectures Xx


  • @Anna McCleave @Niamh Byrne completely relate! I find that I definitely get the most guilt doing the evening classes but they give a boost of energy to get some late-night work done! Always more productive after a workout

    So excited to be nearly done! Hope all the study is going well for you queens! xx

  • @Anna McCleave Aw I'm so excited to be finished lol, I have a week off next week to study for my other exams and I'll probably spend most of it working out 😂 I hope the study is going well x

  • @Rachael O’Riordan Definitely always more productive after! Sometimes I sit staring at my laptop and getting nothing done so I'm just like nono I need a workout. I'm loving the early morning classes recently because it just gives me a headstart to the day and I'm not only waking up 5 minutes before lectures lol


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