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Summer Strong challenge | MaeveMadden

Summer Strong challenge

  • So I posted on here at the end of the first  week of the summer challenge that my personal goal for the challenge was to be consistent and remain committed to completing the 4 workouts per week. I have been a member of QDQ since March of this year but unfortunately being a member didn't automatically translate into me being consistent with working out HOWEVER I am pure delighted with myself, 16 workouts done over this last 4 weeks, even when we were experiencing that freak heat wave here I sweated my way through the classes.  Loved the combination of total body, upper and lower body workouts and HIIT and I intend to continue on with this combination. Not confident enough to post any before and after photos just yet but definitely can see a difference in  myself. Happy Friday everyone! 

  • @Eva Dougan it's such a great feeling finishing the challenge 🥳

    My aim was to stick it all out and I did, so bloody proud of myself! Oh and the heatwave, holy god, i sweated from places i didnt think i could!!! 

    My biggest achievement was I took 50% less pain meds in the four weeks of the challenge! Might throw a bit of tan on and take a pic to mark my progress, for me,not everyone else, yet!!!!

    Best decision I made!

    Happy friday 🥳🥳

  • @Melissa Reilly Good on ya! And great news on the pain meds!!! 

  • Well done to both of you Queens, that's just amazing work and so delighted you've been able to cut down on your pain meds Melissa, that's the best result ever! Honestly I am so glad I did this challenge. I left QDQ (I know, I know) because I was moving house and cutting down subscriptions, worst decision ever! I'm so so glad to be back and feel fitter and stronger than I have in a long time. I only managed 3 classes on first week but then have done five all other weeks and one week I did 6! 

    Do you know the difference for me is that with the challenge you have to complete one Hiit class a week and I would normally avoid those like the plague because I hate cardio lol. I stuck to it religiously, and this week I flew through Combat Queens and even going to log in for the Hiit party tomorrow to finish out the challenge. 

    I just completed self isolation for close contact and then the day that ended my son to be sent home from daycare for 10 days for same. I've been working from home, caring for a three year old on my own as my husband works away, and to be honest, I am at end of my tether, but these classes have definitely kept me (somewhat) sane 🤪.

    Progress for me has definitely been cardio fitness is up, I've lost 5lbs (despite drinking and eating like a Lord every weekend lol) I'm ready to move from 4.5kgs to heavier and I bough a bikini top that I was sure was going to be too small in the back and it fits perfectly!! Can't wait for next challenge Queens, we've all smashed it, even in the boiling heat of the freak heatwave!! 💪😍

  • @Nat Swanson well done on completing the challenge with everything you have going on! My goodness it all sounds mental but I'm sure the challenge helped with some stress relief😉

    Hopefully things will settle down a bit for you now with isolation, its such a pain, I dread my kids going back to school🤦‍♀️ 

    Fair play on your fantastic achievements from the challenge, roll on the next one👸

  • Amazing! Well done!! 👏🏻👏🏻 It's been a tough challenge so well done you for completing it! X

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